Workday Local Legislative Success Global Legislative Update Domestic Legislative Update Calendar
On Saturday March 13, RESULTS partners will gather in simultaneous regional gatherings across the country. Our Northern California groups will gather at the home of Bill and Tari Nicholson in Martinez. Our workday will give you the opportunity to:
To sign up or for further info, please contact your group leader or Bill or Tari.
Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) circulated a Senate sign-on letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development urging that the increased resources for bilateral TB programs in FY 2004 are used as effectively as possible, specifically that at least $15 million of the $101 million appropriated for international TB control in 2004 be provided to the Global TB Drug Facility, which provides low-cost TB drugs to those areas of the world that need them most. $15 million could provide drugs to treat well over 1 million patients. The final list of 16 signers included both Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein.
In January, several Bay Area RESULTS volunteers visited Washington to participate in a strategic planning process. While we were there, we visited Senator Feinstein's foreign affairs aide. We thanked Senator Feinstein for her leadership on our issues. The aide welcomed further legislation for RESULTS to submit to Senator Feinstein for her future leadership.
We also visited an aide to Rep. Tom Lantos (D-San Mateo), ranking Democrat on the House International Relations Committee. Rep. Lantos, along with International Relations Chairman Henry Hyde (R-IL), have led on authorizing both the international initiative to fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria, and foreign aid for microcredit. In 2003, these well-crafted bills passed the House and Senate with overwhelming majorities. In our January meeting, we acknowledged Tom Lantos for his leadership and had a high-level strategy discussion with the aide.
The Bush administration budget for FY 2005, which begins October 1, 2004, was released February 2. Of interest to RESULTS are these areas:
RESULTS will work hard to assure that Congress budgets, authorizes, and appropriates the amounts needed for these programs, rather than the inadequate funding proposed in the Bush administration budget.
The Senate sign-on letter to USAID, noted above, gained 16 signers.
Please see January 2004 Bay Area RESULTS News for a report on RESULTS' Global Campaign for 2004.
The Bush administration budget for FY 2005, which begins October 1, 2004, was released February 2. Of interest to RESULTS are these areas:
RESULTS will work hard to assure that Congress budgets, authorizes, and appropriates the amounts needed for these programs, rather than the inadequate funding proposed in the Bush administration budget.
For a full description and useful links on the web, see the Bush Budget Background on the RESULTS U.S. website.
Please see January 2004 Bay Area RESULTS News for a general report on RESULTS' Domestic Campaign for 2004.
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