Letters from our readers
Contra Costa Times
October 9, 2012
When one student takes money away from another, it's called bullying. What is it called when the World Bank does it?
In 2010, the World Bank promised it would add $750 million over the next five years to help the least developed countries provide basic education for 61 million children not in school. Now it's reneging by quietly changing the numbers to which the $750 million would be added. Instead of giving $6.8 billion, it would now give $2.3 billion less between 2011 and 2015.
For an international organization whose mission statement proclaims its purpose as ending global poverty, its backpedaling on education is unacceptable. Enabling children, especially girls, to get a basic, grade-school education multiplies the effect of all development programs.
Without education children never learn to read, write, add or subtract. Their ignorance keeps them at the mercy of corrupt governments, greedy businessmen and unpredictable weather.
Even a divided U.S. Congress should be able to unite in urging the World Bank to keep its original promise.
Jim Driggers
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