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California media directory on RESULTS U.S. Take Action Now site
Daily Newspapers | Weeklies to Quarterlies | U.S. national papers

San Francisco Bay Area Daily Newspapers

Newspaper website Letters address
48 Hills letter submission page
Davis Enterprise letter submission page
East Bay Times letter submission page
Marin Independent Journal opinion@marinij.com
The Mercury News letter submission page
Monterey County Herald mheditor@montereyherald.com
Napa Valley Register letter submission page
Sacramento Bee opinion@sacbee.com
San Francisco Business Times sanfrancisco@bizjournals.com
San Francisco Chronicle letter submission page
San Francisco Examiner letters@sfexaminer.com
San Mateo Daily Journal letter submission page
Santa Rosa Press Democrat letters@pressdemocrat.com
Sonoma Index-Tribune jason.walsh@sonomanews.com
Stockton Record letter submission page
(Vacaville) Reporter letters@thereporter.com
Vallejo Times Herald opinion@timesheraldonline.com

San Francisco Bay Area Weekly Newspapers

Newspaper website Letters address
East Bay Express letter submission page
San Francisco Weekly feedback@sfweekly.com

San Francisco Bay Area Monthly to Quarterly Newspapers

Newspaper website Letters address
Children's Advocate no letters

U.S. National and major Daily Newspapers

Letters sent to these papers must be unique, or substantially different from letters sent to any other paper.

Newspaper website Letters address
The Christian Science Monitor oped@csps.com
USA Today editor@usatoday.com
Los Angeles Times letters@latimes.com
The Wall Street Journal wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
The New York Times letters@nytimes.com
The Washington Post letters@washpost.com

U.S. Internet-only media

Unlikely that Internet-only media would "print" a letter except in response to something on the site.

Website Letters address
Salon Users may comment directly on each story page

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