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White House Call-in Days
Please call the White House at (202) 456-1111 between 9 am and 5 pm on Wednesday or Thursday, December 18 or 19. Please follow the prompts until you get an operator who will take your message. If you are calling from a touch tone phone press 1 and then, when asked, press 1 again to leave a message. The operator will ask for your state and message. (Alternatively, e-mail your message to president@whitehouse.gov or fax to (202) 456-2461.) The message:
Other key facts (optional)
Please also call your senators and representative and to encourage them to express support for a historic AIDS initiative. The Capitol Hill switchboard number at (202) 225-3121 can connect you to any senator or representative.
Dianne Feinstein | (202) 224-3841 |
Barbara Boxer | (202) 224-3553 |
Mike Thompson | (202) 225-3311 |
Doug Ose | (202) 225-5716 |
Robert Matsui | (202) 225-7163 |
Lynn Woolsey | (202) 225-5161 |
George Miller | (202) 225-2095 |
Nancy Pelosi | (202) 225-4965 |
Barbara Lee | (202) 225-2661 |
Ellen Tauscher | (202) 225-1880 |
Richard Pombo | (202) 225-1947 |
Tom Lantos | (202) 225-3531 |
Fortney (Pete) Stark | (202) 225-5065 |
Anna Eshoo | (202) 225-8104 |
Michael Honda | (202) 225-2631 |
Zoe Lofgren | (202) 225-3072 |
Sam Farr | (202) 225-2861 |
For other senators, please see the Senate website. For other representatives, please see House Member Information.
Tell a friend about this action, ask them to call President Bush also. Together we can beat AIDS!